

Diet and Herbal Medicine (herbs) for Disease Sugar (Diabetes). Food regulation plays a key role in the lives of diabetes patients. They always try to follow the diet plan healthy and fibrous food. They should avoid fried foods and greasy or spicy foods, and keep away from junk food (junk food). Diabetes patients must take green vegetables and fruit at lunch and dinner a lot more than other types of food. Some vegetables such as celery, bitter melon, onion, garlic, artichoke and spinach are very useful to reduce the severity of diabetes. Some natural medicines from plants, are very influential on diabetes. After some research on medicinal plants, research centers to make some medicine for diabetes. It includes Neem, Pann, Amla, Haldi and some mixtures, which are useful for controlling blood sugar in the body. Some drugs from plants can be very effective in some types of diabetes without side effects. There are some herbal treatments for diabetes patients. -Juice of Bitter GOURD / Juice Kundur bitter = patients should glass juice bitter Kundur at least for 3 to 4 months. Has been shown that bitter gourd juice is very effective for patients with diabetes. Sudha Sudha Silajit = Silajit has long been used to treat diabetes in Ayurveda medicines pharmaceuticals. Shilajit is also known as "Asphaltum" (In Latin). He was against diabetes and regulates blood sugar levels. Shilajit has been used also for reinforcing the body, anti-aging and libido, injury healing, urinary smooth roads, etc bone healing. Vijaya Saar = The name is generally the Malabar Kinotree. Vijaya Saar stimulates cells to utilize blood sugar in the bloodstream. Haridra = What we know as "Turmeric" and has been known and the best treatment for diabetes because controlling Kapha dosha in the body. Other medicinal plants are effective in diabetes Jamun and seeds, Coriander Seeds, Lettuce, Red Rose, Fennel Seed and Gulair. Powder mixture of all these plants, taken twice a day. Also found to be effective in addressing the problem of diabetes. In the end, it is important to be known by all diabetes patients that diabetes is a hidden killer (Silent Killer), and if you want to beat this killer then have to follow your diet plan and keep yourself from sugar, oil and fatty foods and still have to continue exercising every day throughout life.

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GROUP blood is closely related to the food we eat. According to dr. Peter Dadamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type, a chemical reaction will occur between the blood with the food you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic heritage. This reaction is triggered by the presence of lectin. Lectin is a number of different proteins found in your food. Lectin containing gluten (aglutinin) which can affect the blood. So, when you consume foods that contain protein leptin that is incompatible with your blood type antigen, lectin will attack the organ or body system and begin to glue the cells of the body in the area.

Fortunately, most lectins found in food are not harmful to life. However, it can cause various problems, especially if the lectin is specific to a particular blood type.

Most of the immune system will protect you from lectins. According Dadamo, as quoted site, approximately 95% will be attenuated lectin is absorbed by the body. But, at least 5% of the lectins you eat are filtered into the bloodstream and cause different reactions in each organ is different.

You can overcome this by adjusting the blood with the food you eat. Blood type diet can restore your body's natural rhythms. You can follow a diet that has been scientifically prepared in accordance with your body's cellular profile. Each food group is divided into 3 categories, namely, foods that are beneficial (food that acts as a drug), food is allowed (food that is not harmful for blood type), and the food is not allowed (food that acts as a poison).

To select the most appropriate diet, the following four diets based on blood type that can be your guide:

Blood type O

O blood group enjoys the intense physical exercise and animal protein. Unlike the other blood types, blood group O should only consume less acidic foods. Blood group types are able to digest and metabolize meat efficiently because they tend to have high levels of stomach acid. O blood type diet's success relies on the use of lean meats, and free chemicals, poultry, and fish. Dairy products are not too friendly for blood type O when compared with other blood types.

Blood type O, can lose weight by limiting the consumption of whole grains, bread, peas, and soybeans. The main factor in weight gain triggers for this blood type are gluten found in wheat germ and whole-grain products. This will affect the gluten insulin and slows metabolism. Besides wheat, other factors also affect the soybean and pea. These foods contain lectins that will accumulate in body tissues and make the area less functional in physical activity. The third factor causes weight gain is a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone or unstable thyroid function. This can cause metabolic problems. Therefore, it is wise to avoid foods that inhibit thyroid hormone such as cabbage and cauliflower, but it increases the production of hormones by eating seaweed, seafood, and iodized salt.

Some of the vegetables can cause big problems for the O blood type, such as Brassica family (cabbage and cauliflower) can inhibit thyroid function. Increase consumption of vegetables rich in vitamin K. This will help the weak blood coagulation factors in blood golongah O.

Because high levels of stomach acid, blood group type O should eat fruits of alkaline such as berries and plums. In addition, it is better to limit the consumption of dairy products. O blood group systems of the body is not designed for the metabolism of dairy products appropriately.

Blood type A

A blood type is susceptible to heart attacks, cancer, and diabetes. Therefore, it is important to choose foods that are fresh, natural, and organic. If you follow the diet type blood type A, then you will
increasingly slim naturally. If you are accustomed to eating meat, then weight loss will terjjadi faster at the beginning of the body remove toxic foods from the body. In addition, by following this diet, you are blood type A will also boost the immune system and inhibit the development of life-threatening diseases.

When the blood group A eat meat, they will feel weak and lazy to move. This is because low levels of stomach acid so it is more difficult to digest meat. Since only consume less animal protein, then you can supplement it by eating nuts and seeds. You can also enjoy the vegetable proteins found in soybeans and peas. Soy may reduce insulin production, which could be the cause of obesity and diabetes. Know, could be the main food in this diet. Prosuk-dairy products are also somewhat difficult to digest the blood group A and can slow down the metabolism. However, blood group A can tolerate small amounts of fermented milk products like yogurt, kefir, cream without fat, and dairy products that have been cultured.

Vegetables are very important in the diet group A as a source of minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. A highly sensitive type lectin found on potato, sweet potato, cabbage, tomatoes and pepper. These foods can
A type of damage a weak stomach. Type A should eat more fruits that are alkaline, avoid mangoes, papayas, and oranges because it is not good for the digestive tract.

Blood group B

Type B blood groups are strong and can usually be sensitive against most common diseases known today such as heart disease and cancer. Basically, those who have a B class consciousness and follow the recommended diet can often be protected from various chronic diseases and live healthier longer. Type B is more susceptible to disease immune system disorders like multiple sclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Type B diet balanced and comprehensive, involving a variety of foods. For type B, the biggest factor causing weight gain are corn, rye, beans, and sesame seeds. Different foods contain lectins which can interfere with the efficiency of metabolic processes that will result in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia. Gluten in wheat germ lectin and all products can add wheatjuga whole problem with the system slows down metabolism.

For blood group B, it is important to avoid the chicken. Chicken contains a Blood Type B aglutinin lectin in the tissues. It will invade the bloodstream and potentially causes a stroke and immune system abnormalities. Type B can enjoy fishing, but you should avoid all types of shellfish. Shellfish contain lectins which can disrupt the system of type B.

Blood type B, is the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of dairy products. However, it is better to avoid most types of nuts and seeds (especially peanuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds). These foods contain lectins which can interfere with insulin production of blood group B.

Blood type B can not tolerate wheat well. This is because wheat contain lectins which can reduce efficiency and interfere with fat burning stimulus. Rye contain lectins which can accumulate in the vascular system, causing blood disorders and potentially trigger a stroke. Corn is the main factor of weight gain of type B. Corn can slow metabolism, interfere with insulin, causing fluid retention, and fatigue.

B blood type diet should not include tomatoes. Tomatoes contain a lectin that can irritate the stomach lining. However, other fruits and vegetables can be generally well tolerated.

Blood type AB

Antigen is a lot, making blood type AB is sometimes resembling blood group A with a weak stomach acid, and sometimes resembles a B blood type is genetically designed to eat meat. Type AB will achieve the best possible condition when muscle tissues are alkaline. Type AB can not digest meat efficiently because of low levels of stomach acid. In addition, note also the portion size and frequency of your meat consumption. Chicken also contains a lectin that can irritate the blood and digestive tract.

Know the best protein sources for this blood type. In addition, can also eat nuts and seeds in small quantities.

AB blood type can tolerate dairy products well enough. But, note the excess mucus production. In general, type AB can also tolerate grains, even wheat, but the core of grain can cause high levels of acid in the muscles of the blood group AB. This type will be more benefited by a diet rich in rice than pasta.

Blood type AB have a weak immune system. So, it's good if eating vegetables rich in phytochemicals and fruits that are alkaline. Makana was able to balance the grains that make up the acid in the muscles. Tomatoes also do not pose a problem in this blood group type.

Blood Type AB should begin the day by drinking a glass of warm water mixed with half the juice of fresh lemon juice. It can clean the mucus that accumulates during sleep.


Herbal therapy in DM
Many medicinal herbs to lower blood sugar levels, if the note is the taste bitter herbs. Among them:
A. Leaf Cats Whisker
2. Tread leaves Dara
3. brotowali
4. Mahogany seeds
5. Pare the fruit
6. Noni fruit
Pare the fruit to the processing means is made ​​cuisine, taste the bitterness should not be removed. Noni fruit commonly eaten directly or blackmailed made ​​drinks / juice, mixed with honey or other flavorings to eliminate the smell that smell. For the other ingredients generally each boiled with water about 3 cups water to boiling and the amount was reduced to 1 cup, then drink the water.
We recommend that even if traditional medicine is safe and he said no side effects, it is advisable not to overdo it and not all served at once.

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Regulation of blood glucose is key in preventing diabetes complications and disease progression. Setting a break, eat (diet) and exercise therapy perupakan principal in the management of DM in addition to the provision of efficacious drug lowers blood glucose (hypoglycemic) (Hendromartono, 2004).
Anti-diabetes drugs, abbreviated OAD, has developed quite rapidly. OAD can currently be found practical, only be taken once a day, and in addition to lowering blood sugar levels also maintain healthy pancreatic beta cells, improving the function of beta cells of Langerhans in the pancreas, prevent resistance, it is important. But the old OAD also still in use due to price considerations.
Which must be known: that of diabetic angiopathy is not easily arise, avoid the occurrence of NSH (Symptompless Nocturnal Hypoglycemia). NSH OAD can arise when certain groups are given in the afternoon or evening, so at night arise NSH. NSH will stimulate the secretion of catecholamines, cortisol, growth hormone, and glucagon all of which accelerate the occurrence of diabetic angiopathy. Therefore, if it gives a certain class of OAD, eg glibenclamide group, provide morning and afternoon, not morning and afternoon.
Because of saturation, usually people with diabetes prefer alternate methods of treatment. A variety of alternative therapies adopted. Friends said it was obeyed, you say to it so he will get there, both modern medicine and the treatment of a wide variety alternaif. sometimes one kind of treatment outcome has not been revealed, has moved lagi.Ini that must be considered, whatever treatment is adopted, it must diligently measure blood sugar levels, to be able to see the progress of treatment. Least once a month. We have had many blood sugar measuring device, if it can possess their own good as well. Occasionally also examined levels of HbA1c. But still needed the advice of physicians for the selection, monitoring and analysis of treatment undertaken.

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At some time after eating, your body will process food in the process of metabolism and to take substances that will be used by the body, whether it be power, builder substances, vitamins and minerals. In the management of patients with Diabetes Mellitus diit, which became the focus of attention is how to make blood sugar levels are not too high nor too low. Knowledge of the number of calories in foods is very important though is tricky at first. But to get used to count calories in food, the patient will be better able to discipline yourself and not be stuck on the consumption of foods that are not necessary.
Diabetes sufferers should not be afraid to eat because of fear of high blood sugar. The opposite is also not too sloppy in terms of food. For example, vegetables can be eaten freely, but what was and what vegetable processing? Weight should be kept in ideal conditions.
It's important to consult with a nutritionist or doctor, if necessary repeatedly to understand well. Many books on setting up food and nutrition for Diabetes. If implemented correctly, then the patient will feel that Diabetes Mellitus was Diabetes Mellitus diit is not torture yourself.
Physical exercise for Diabetes Mellitus 
  1. All people with diabetes are encouraged light exercise regularly every day at one-half hour after meals, including patients who were treated in hospital (Bed Exercise).
  2. For Diabetes Mellitus patients with obesity, in addition to light exercise after a meal, exercise too little weight is recommended every day, morning and evening (with a goal to lose weight)
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There is concern that a person with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) not be the same foods "good", because these foods can make the patient more chronic conditions. Apparently all revelation is not always true. Diabetes does not mean anti against any kind of food.

According to Dr. Endang Darmoutomo MS, a clinical nutritionists in the seminar entitled "Diabetes, Do So Now!" Siloam hospital, some time ago, although a person suffering from a disease known as "blood sugar" is, yet they continue to consume these foods.

"Because the disease is characterized by increased sugar in the blood, then you need to do is to control blood sugar itself. It is very important to prevent complications caused by increased blood sugar that can lead to decreased quality of life, "he said.

He explained that "good food" can still be consumed as long as there is a balance of nutrition in it. In a sense it must contain carbohydrate foods as much as 50 to 65 percent, 15-20 percent protein and fat between 25-30. That's not the food consumed should also contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.
"In addition, the patient must also make a meal schedule, by the exercise and take medication regularly in order to control insulin so that glucose does not accumulate in the blood," said Endang added.

In terms of diet, consider dose consumption of carbohydrates. According to dr. Ervina Karyadi, MSc., Nutritionists, there are two classes of carbohydrates, which is complex and simple. If you consume complex carbohydrates such as bread, rice, or potatoes, these substances will be decomposed into a single chain of glucose, and then absorbed into the bloodstream. Sugar levels are going up, but with a faster or a lot. If you consume a simple carbohydrate foods, such as jams, jellies, syrups, lemonade, ice cream, blood sugar levels rise quickly into the blood system.
Therefore people with diabetes are encouraged not to consume a simple carbohydrate foods. In contrast, consumption of natural fibrous sources of carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, biscuits fiber, vegetables, nuts, and fresh fruit (low sugar levels).
Dr. David suggested to people with DM in Indonesia, using the composition of 68% carbohydrate calories, 20% fat calories, and 12% protein calories.
Basically, diabetes diet consists of 3 main meals and 3 meals between (snack) with a distance of 3 hours. For example:
• At 6:30 - eat breakfast.
• At 09:30 - snack or fruit.
• At 12.30 - lunch.
• At 15.30 - a small snack or fruit.
• At 18.30 - dinner.
• At 21:30 - snack or fruit.
Each meal in a number of small to moderate portions so as not to burden the pancreas. Diajurkan fruits, papaya, kedondong, bananas, apples, tomatoes, watermelon is not sweet. Prohibited, sapodilla, mango, citrus, rambutan, durian, grapes.
In carrying out the daily diabetic diet should adhere to dietary guidelines 3J, namely the number of calories, diet schedule, and type of food is allowed and which not.
Determination of nutritional DM patients carried out by BBR (relative weight) by the formula:
           BBR = --------------------- x 100%
                      TB - 100 TB

Where: BW = body weight (kg)
              TB = height (cm)
Of course, to measure their own dietary restrictions that do a bit difficult without the help of a nutritionist or a doctor who treated the patient. Because there's more to other criteria that must be considered whether the lack of weight gain, mild or absence of disease, skinny or not the patient, there are complications, etc..

Separately Dr.Megah Imeyati Senduk Sp. RM, medical rehabilitation consultant explained that the most important in maintaining blood sugar rise is to perform regular exercise. A pretty good one is aerobic. Then why should exercise, as the biggest cause of death in people with diabetes are affected by stroke, peripheral vascular disease and myocardial infarction. "With the exercise of all these diseases can be tackled. In addition to the sport we can also maintain fitness as an effective prevention of these diseases as well as create increased insulin sensitivity, "said Megah.
Regular exercise is recommended for patients with DM. Dr. Sadoso Sumosardjuno, sports health expert, suggested that exercising six days a week in the portion is. Kind of like walking or aerobic exercise at least 20-45 minutes / day.
Controlled pulse of approximately 60% exceeds the maximum pulse rate - normal (not exceeding 85% of the maximum pulse rate). Between 60% - 80% of the maximum pulse rate training zone is called. Maximum pulse rate is 220 minus age (in years).
But do not forget to warm up and cooling down (gradually reduce the intensity of exercise). One to three hours before exercising to eat in moderation. If prolonged heavy exercise, it is recommended to eat a snack every 30 minutes. Also drink plenty of water (cold or not).
"Before you start exercising to know the physical condition and disease status is uncertain," said dr. David. Do not choose a sport like tennis or a sudden stop badminton. Should not exercise in air-conditioned or too hot. If you use insulin injections, blood sugar levels should be monitored in person before, during, and after exercise. If blood sugar levels over 250 mg%, sports postponed.

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Milk and Dairy Recommendations :
• 2-3 servings a day
• Enjoy skim or low fat milk, all cheeses, and plain low fat yogurt (sweeten with fresh fruit or cinnamon).
• Minimize flavored yogurt, frozen milkshake, and flavored milk (i.e. chocolate, strawberry), sweetened
coco mixes, and eggnog

Bread and Grain Recommendations :
• 6-11 servings a day
• Enjoy unsweetened crackers such as graham crackers, animal crackers, bread sticks, and unsweetened bread.
• Avoid eating cinnamon bread, sweetened or frosted bread (donuts, coffee cake, pastries), sugar coated presweetened cereals, honey or fruit flavored cereals, and granola cereals.

Fruit Recommendations :
• 2-4 servings per day
• Enjoy fresh or frozen fruits processed without sugar, water-packed canned fruits, and unsweetened juices
• Minimize canned, fresh or frozen fruit with sugar added 

Vegetables and starchy vegetables Recommendations :
• 3-5 servings per day
• Enjoy all fresh, canned, frozen or cooked vegetables, peas, corn, and potatoes

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